
It’s funny how you look back on your life and you think to yourself how you have changed. I’m a freshman at the University of Utah and I would say I have changed as well. Currently, I am a vegetarian, of Hispanic descent, and an open-minded atheist. It seems like I am America’s worst nightmare. All jokes aside, my birthday is today, I have turned nineteen and joke to everybody how I feel so old! Truth is, I’m still in my teenage years and have beat teen pregnancy. In addition, I’m a successful college student and have a beautiful girlfriend who I’ve crushed on since tenth grade.

So what is this leading to? Well, I understand that I’m still quite young and people may assume that it’s only my raging hormones doing all the thinking and talking that comes out of my mind and my mouth. With my background and past experiences, my views of life may differ from the average person. I don’t think I’m very opinionated on many things because I see both sides of every story. This is probably why I’m not into politics. This may also be the reason why I have lost quite a few friends. I have lived a short life so far and It will be interesting to see who I will be in the future. The point of all this mumbo jumbo is that I am happy with my life. It’s all uphill and have had the happiest months of my life. This is starting to sound like normal depressed teenager………….. Which I am not. This is just my short little introduction to me, the happy teenager who turned nineteen today.

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