Discussion Over Coffee

I was working on a paper for college for English. Usually, I like to work on these sorts of things at coffee shops where people of all sorts of ages go and enjoy a cup of coffee.

A girl was sitting next to me. Short hair, fitted cap, with a blue sweater on. She looked like a working class hipster. An oxymoron, sort of.

Two guys are behind me as I type. Both older men, about 60’s, with newspapers in front of them. Let’s call them Dan and Terry.

Dan:          This Trump thing is going well for some people here.

Terry:       I agree. Liberals don’t get that there is a lot of bad people here and we need to do                   something about it.



Dan:        It’s like vegans think they’re better than everyone else. It’s annoying


Just then the girl sitting next to me glares at Dan. I look over to her and silently shake my head. She laughs, I giggle. And we both enjoyed our coffee.

That’s how we dealt with politics. With mothafucking lattés in our hands.

Where is the Originality?

I live in America. American culture is very individualistic and wants its citizens to be independent and unrestrained from anyone else. It’s nothing bad, it’s just a little different. Compare that to Asian countries where everyone assimilates into one and operates as one.

We kind of live in a world of social media where everyone has a platform. Not a bad thing either, it’s just then some people also feel like they NEED to voice their opinion and express who they are and where they come from. If you’re anything like me, you just could not care less for what others have to say, especially when they are completely different in person. It’s great you had an omelette for breakfast today, but I just don’t care.

Dating is something different too. I used to be looking desperately for companionship online. I didn’t have success. To contrast, if you were to meet a buddy of mine, the dude had girls message him and ask him out on dates. He said the minimal time he spent online dating were the most fun times he has ever had. Hell, he met his fiancé there. What he put on his profile that had girl crazy for him, I don’t know.

I had no idea what I’m doing. I’m sure someone with experience could pick out everything wrong with my picture, description, and “typical date” scenario. I’ll take full responsibility.

The girls always wanted a guy that was nice and different. They were sick of the same guys. Now, they wanted someone who was over 6 feet tall, has a job, and “won’t play no games”. What the fuck does that mean?

I used to date my best friend. I know, “why are you still hanging with her?”. Because she is awesome. Anyways, she is now dating “Mr. Perfect”

She didn’t say that, but look at his resumé. He is going to nursing school, extremely nice, and competes in physical fitness competitions. So yeah, the dude has abs you could wash your clothes on. Also, he comes from a family of money. Fantastic guy, right?

Turns out he isn’t very interesting. No fault on his own. I’m sure the guy is sweet and fantastic. I’ve met him. Nice dude. But can you give me a conversation that will keep us both engaged?

Take a look at this study

I don’t mean to provide a link that’s controversial. I haven’t read the full study, so there could be errors in methodology itself.

Heck, maybe I am ugly, and now I have scientific evidence to back that up and make myself feel good.

I count this as a victory???


Creating the Alter Ego

I saw a TED talk about a lady who specializes in gaming. Specifically, the bonuses and benefits of playing video games, or any game for that matter, and extending your life by seven minutes a day. My summary is vapid but she said one of the reasons that people love playing games is because there is usually an avatar. This avatar represents a better you; An invincible, muscular, brave you.

My buddy is kind of like me. We are both kind of shy, quiet, and kind of lacking in the social scene. However, we both have extremely different lifestyles. He has a hippy lifestyle with most of the cliches, and I have the college graduate, low-risk lifestyle.

He showers though.

One night, we both had the bright of idea of getting drunk and going to the club. Our sole purpose for going was just to go and dance a little. We are way too shy and socially inept to try our luck for any girls to actually have any interest in us, in a nightclub setting anyway.

I parked my car and my buddy took out his Tequila bottle and took a big swig. He passed it to me and I took a big gulp. My nervousness/anxiety began to kick in. It was the excitement filling my veins that got me way too nervous for the dance scene to begin. Nothing was going to happen, but the nerves got to me.

I decided to come up with this “alter-ego” that would be everything I was not. Brave, cool, confident, swave, etc. Think of a billionaire that looks like James Bond who doesn’t need to wear a suit to feel confident. I was that guy.

We got out of the car and walked in. My nervousness went away and I started dancing. The alter-ego was long gone and never came back.

I just needed a distraction to get me through the night. I’m no Daniel Day Lewis, but a simple side-task to keep me from thinking of how excited I am was better than just shaking from the anxiety. Alter egos work, but not permanently.

I’ll try this at work and see how it goes.

The Y0-yo incident

Many moons ago, I was in fourth grade. Fourth grade, along with the other elementary years, were extremely memorable and some of the best years I ever had. I know that sounds pretty lame considering I went to three different colleges. However, there was  only one reason for why my elementary years were so fun and memorable. That was because of school assemblies.

The excitement leading to the assembly was almost unbearable. Nobody knew what it was going to be about, but the regular schedule was always interrupted. We had our lunch hour at a different time, we had recess earlier, our classroom time was cut to a fraction, and the teachers were a little excited as well. I’m sure my poor teacher would take us to see a killing of a unicorn if it meant getting 15 minutes of silence.

It was time.

The school poured into the gymnasium. It was a different seating arrangement than what I’m used to seeing. First graders would get front row seating and the rest of the rows were filled by seniority according to youngest students. Therefore, by grade.

A guy in a dapper, business casual outfit walks out. He has a yo-yo in his hand. He begins to make the yo-yo his bitch and does all sorts of tricks, flips, and throws with the yo-yo. Of course, the dude was a professional salesman trying to sell his yo-yo’s to us kids. We were practically jerking off to the idea of having our own yo-yo and doing amazing tricks as well.

The day after, one of his assistants was selling similar yo-yos’ to the one the cool salesman had. I gave him 20$. This was the opposite of the tooth fairy. FORESHADOWING!

A few weeks went by and I finally managed to “walk the dog” with my new yo-yo. My dad worked at the airport at the time and I had to wait there for my dad to get off, then take us home.

I finally saw him! My excitement levels were through the roof because I was finally able to show my dad my cool trick I learned.

I showed him and he saw.

My dad is a unique guy as well. It’s hard to explain and describe the guy without sounding coarse and almost unkind. But that’s not the case. I love that guy.

My dad being a dad, decided it was a good idea to borrow the yo-yo and impress his young son with a few tricks of his own.

He started with a routine warm-up. He walked the dog. Yet, I was impressed and shocked that he stole my trick, but nonetheless.

As I was observing him “walking the dog” I looked down at the y0-yo, trying to look at the mechanisms and the furious spinning the yo-yo was doing. At that moment, my dad lost control.

He accidentally pulled the yo-yo up, hitting me in the face, and knocking one of my teeth out.

Keep in mind that that this was still in the airport. People witnessed my tooth flying out. For whatever reason, we spent the next half hour looking for my tiny tooth, but we found it!

It was the last time I played with that yo-yo.



Incorrect Motivation

I was watching a Joe Rogan clip where he talks about how the type of person he was in school, and all through college, and how his experiences have made him the successful person he is today. To be fair, this video wasn’t posted by Joe Rogan. It was taken from his podcast and some fan just made a short video out of it and posted it on his own channel.

Sometimes I feel like I’m always going to be stuck in these miserable customer-service based jobs and I’ll never escape. There’s also this feeling I have of being creative and having fun, regardless of the medium I am working in. The more I think about it, the more I think a regular job is not for me.

The Joe Rogan clip I was talking about was talking about my exact feeling. The experience he had in school was similar to the one I had and his obsessiveness to curiosities he had in niche talents were nearly identical to my experiences. Sometimes I dwell on learning the piano, playing chess, reading Batman comics, learning card tricks, and becoming a cinephile. Joe Rogan said he once “obsessively” played billiards for 12 hours straight. However, then I caught myself thinking, “Wow, if Joe Rogan can become someone different, then I can as well.”

I found myself thinking erroneously. I’m not Joe Rogan. The dude kicks ass and has a cool commentating voice. He’s done huge accomplishments in the martial arts world. On the other hand, I’ve graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and minored in political science. I’m not sure what Joe Rogan’s parents are like, but I had great parents who are nice and supportive. Joe Rogan and I could not be more different in just about every category.

The point is this: Seeing videos that focus on one person detailing their success story is fantastic! Tell the world how you managed to overcome the greatest obstacles to be the best in your field. Explain to me how you went from dirt poor to rich as fuck. That shit’s inspirational. I’m sure I’ll learn something. But my poison is comparing myself to that of a person I have nothing in common with. I can’t think this dude/girl is better than me because she has a killer success story. Fuck that, I’ll do my own thing and become successful on my own terms and in my own ways.

“Let’s just run there”

I just had a cup of coffee on an empty stomach. I don’t know if it is true, but I think caffeine hits you harder when you don’t eat. Who knows. 

Me: “Okay, let’s park at City Creek and just run there”

Her: “Um, run? Okay.”

(Still running)

Me: “Oh my god, I can’t seem to get tired!”

Her: “Can we stop? I’m cramping up”

Me: “No, we are almost there!”

Her: “Have you been smiling this whole time?!”

Me: “I can’t control my face. Keep running!”

Why I can’t find someone

What is it? What’s the common denominator of all the dating partners you’ve had? Tall? Funny and handsome?

If you can carry a conversation, you’ll probably have someone like me looking for you. You have to have tits and a vagina, though.

Sure, I have to be attracted to you, I think that’s kind of obvious. But I crave someone who can challenge me mentally and talk about hours about nothing in particular. Debating and discussing on everything and anything is healthy! It reinforces or weakens your beliefs. You grow with every stimulating conversation. Isn’t that beautiful?

I usually use the locked room scenario to try and imagine the potential of a dating partner: Can we have a conversation and be entertained and engaged for hours without the haunting silence reminding us about the shitty situation? Inform me about your feelings about the president, ambitions, foods, or desires you have. I want to listen. I want to get to know you more.

There’s nothing worse than having someone snapchatting their meals, posting some bagel they ate, or tweeting about the Starbuck’s line down the street. I have to ask myself about this situation: Am I really getting to know this person fully? Am I only getting what she/he wants me to see. I want the “real” you. I want to know your fears and dreams and what you think. There’s a stronger connection that is formed. I want that.

I know this sounds too serious and “deep”. Of course, tell me your funny story about your friend who got drunk in college. Or the workout you did before coming to work. You ate something that got you sick? Did Sarah not talk to you in the office? Please, just have a dialogue with me where I learn a little more about you than the day before. Is this asking too much?

“Dude, just be calm. You’re too serious.”

I know. It’s just what I love in a relationship. Although, if you have more than a sane amount of cats, it’s not going to work out. I hate cats.


My Friend, the Hippy

We are sitting in his backyard by the campfire, laughing and drinking a beer


Him: You know, pilots have flown above the sun

Me: What?

Him: Pilots have flown above the sun

Me: *looks at him, then at my beer

Him: *stares at the moon dramatically

Me: * long pause … Did you wanna expand on that idea?

Him: NASA is a bunch of lies, man

Me: Forget I asked.




That One Movie with the Priests (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)

So yeah, that happened

Again, I kinda love movies. Of course, with any movie fan, they’ve probably heard of Martin Scorsese. And with reviews of this movie, I was excited to watch it.

Stellar flick, probably giving the overall experience of the movie an 8 out of 10. It is possible a lot of the important details were lost in the dialogue of the movie. The characters’ accents were very hard to understand and hear.

I wanted to focus on the message of the movie, probably even pinpoint a thesis with it.

In the movie, Andrew Garfield’s character plays a priest that has to travel some part in China? Accompanying him is Adam Driver’s character and is playing a priest as well and are both on a quest to find another priest, Liam Neeson.

The conflict is that in China? Christianity is forbidden and outlawed. Therefore, Andrew and Adam are constantly seeking asylum within the country from being tortured and persecuted.

They are found, separated, and tortured mentally and physically.


As you could imagine, their faith is put to the test.

I am not a religious person anymore, but I used to be. My mother raised me in what she thought was the best way. There is no blame or animosity for taking me to church and raising me a Catholic. As the years went by, the strength of my faith decreased to the point of questioning everything I have ever learned. In the movie, Garfield’s character is looking for a sign, a symbol, something that would reinforce his beliefs. He finally accepts to hide his faith and do what was necessary to prevent further torture or murders.

Faith and religion is a touchy subject, but surely most people can agree that someone would compromise their faith in order to save someone from pain or death. Where is the line? If someone were to let me suffer or die because of someone else’s belief, would that be acceptable? I choose not to eat meat for both health reasons and moral beliefs, but I, in a heartbeat, would save someone another human, if it meant having to incorporate meat into my diet.

It is pride. It is the pride that does not allow us to compromise on our beliefs, no matter how absurd they are. Nobody wants to be seen as mentally weak, especially when testing your faith, or beliefs.

I’m sure everyone has a price for their beliefs. That is,  whether it is forcing a vegan to eat a cheese sandwich or a Christian flipping off the clouds and screaming “Go to Hell”, these folks would stay “silent” if it meant preventing someone from getting hurt.

Checkmate, Scorsese

please put me in one of your movies

Proper protocol

So today was the unofficial day of meeting Steph’s boyfriend. From what Steph has said, he seems like a cool guy. Nice, caring, patient, and competes in bodybuilding. Total stud. In years past, I dated Steph and this was going to be her first boyfriend after me. We both knew the situation was going to be slightly awkward. 

The plan was supposed to be that Steph’s boyfriend drops Stephany off and says hi to me, we talk a little possibly, maybe I invite him inside the house, then he leaves. What actually happened was Steph got dropped off, the boyfriend doesn’t get out of the car but says hi to me through the window of his car, I say hi back, he drives off. Done deal. 

Steph: “You were supposed to be out there.”

Me: “I thought you guys were going to be coming in.”

Steph: “No, that’d be weird.”

Me: “Why? My mom isn’t home.”

Steph:”I think he felt slightly awkward”

Me: “It’s awkward for all three of us here.”

Steph: “I thought you were going to be coming outside.”

Me: “Well, then what? I ask him to leave after a little chit chat? I don’t know what to do. This is my first time doing anything like this.”

Steph: “It would have been weird, I know.”

Me: “Did you want me to invite him for tea? It’s so weird trying to be formal about this.”

Steph: “We’ll figure something out next time. ”

Me: “Yeah, it won’t be weird then.”