Magic: The Gathering

Everyone should disregard negative stereotypes. I have Mexican blood, but that doesn’t mean I know how to jump fences. I’m just really good at it. 

I played Magic: The Gathering recently. My buddy got me a deck because I thought I mentioned it would be cool to get into something like that because it seems like such an interesting world to be involved in. This was about a month ago that I received my introductory deck and I had yet to open it.

Until a few days ago.

A brother of a friend showed me how to play. Interestingly enough, the information booklet the cards came with was sadly shallow. It feels like you almost need to take a class to play such a game.

There was all these words about tapped, untapped, land, vehicle, scry, flight, a life value of 20.

I don’t get it. I don’t know what I was doing. I’ve never dropped a hobby faster.

I did an Open Mic

I finally did it. I finally did an open mic.

It’s weird to say I performed a stand-up set on a Tuesday night, especially at a coffee shop. There’s a feeling of weird accomplishment, like I was initiated into a world unknown.

This all started because my buddy, the hippy, performs in coffee shops every week or so. He invited me to his second performance, ever and it was a pretty interesting experience to see a buddy of yours rock the stage in front of strangers. Granted, they’re all waiting to perform as well, so I’m sure most of them are preoccupied with nailing their own performance.

My buddy thinks I’m funny. So much so, that he really thinks I can do a comedy set. It kind of makes sense, in a selfish way. Usually, I’m watching stand up bits from my favorite comedians and telling him funny stories. I don’t necessarily think I’m very funny, but he thinks so. He says, “Dude, you’re such a comedian, man. You can get up on the mic and tell one of your stories and be awesome!”. If you believe it, it is true, ha!

The place I performed at is a local coffee shop with a niche in comics and games. It’s like a cool, hipster, nerdy place to get coffee. Every Tuesday night is “comedy” night where a bunch of amateur comics go and tell jokes. It’s pretty supportive crowd. Everyone bombs, so it’s almost rare to make a room laugh there. Also, because I know most of the comedians from other open mics, they recognize me as a faithful fan.

The jokes I wrote were terrible. They might have potential if I work on them. I learned that way too late. Oh well. I was up the night before trying to write jokes about my parents and chess. Don’t judge me.

I told no one I was doing this except one guy at work. He was supportive and curious, but too busy focused on other things to really care. My other buddy texts me if I’m going to open mic night tonight, I say yes (it’s usually our Tuesday schedule to watch this).

I show up first with my little notebook and try and play it cool like a cucumber. The comics recognize me, again. My buddy shows up later with his brother. His brother has never come to open mic night, and now it was his first time to watch me. Fuck. He sits next to me and I reveal nothing. I act like I’m not having a mini panic attack.

It was towards the end of the hour. My time was now or never. I barely paid attention to any of the other comedians. I tell my buddy, “You know, I think I’m going to go up there and give it a shot.” He says, “Do it, man.”  My buddy didn’t know I was working on material.

I walk towards the host of the night, Johnny, and ask if I can go up there. He says sure. Johnny  doesn’t give a fuck.

My performance itself wasn’t memorable. I told terrible jokes, but I got it out of my system. I have no stage presence, let alone a persona. Yet, I found it a pretty exciting experience and don’t regret doing it.  Who knows, maybe my shitty jokes can be worked on and I’ll add to it. After I let this sink, I’ll try my luck one more time… Maybe.


I’m Running in Circles


It is a boring Monday afternoon, with nothing to do. It was time to go for a short run.

For the past few days, I’ve gone running to my local park and back. The sensation I get afterwards is a huge sense of accomplishment. I heard years ago that running releases endorphins in your brain that gives you a “happy feeling”, or something like that. I’ll stop with the science there with the risk of sound stupid.

I usually define myself as a distance runner, a poor distance runner, and switch up my routine once in awhile and do some sprints. I heard that sprinting was better at keeping a healthy heart and more effective to lose weight. Who knows.

At my local park, there are about four softball fields. I pulled a trash can from one of the dugouts and set it on first base. I would start from home base and sprint to first base and run back. Then walk to and from home base. That way I could catch my breath and repeat. I did this about four times. It wasn’t hell, but it wasn’t a slice of heaven either.

After my small accomplishment for the day, I walked back to my house. Time slowed down while I enjoyed the sunset and the cool breeze. My armpits were a little sweaty so a little cold wind definitely woke me up. A wonderful sense of satisfaction overcame me. My mood lifted, a small grin appeared, and a few chuckles were let out from happy/funny memories. This all took place in the span of ten minutes walking home.

I’ll try to keep remember this feeling when my mood is low. It’s expected to have low energy when you have a low mood. Also, when you have a low mood, you want people to text you and ask you to hangout or do something fun. Even worse, when you invite a person to hangout and they bail a few hours later. Of course, today was one of those days when you feel like you could fall off the face of the earth and no one would notice. No worries, I have my medicine, for now. Usually a little jogging and sprinting erases the negative moments and replaces the void with a healthy sense of satisfaction.

I’ll just keep running around a trash can. HA!




Yesterday, my buddy and I explored the downtown area. Our goal was to go to a bar because they were doing a comedy show. We get there and turns out they only accept cash only for the entrance fee. Fuck that. Anyways, we left and headed over to a bar nextdoor just so we can grab a beer and walk to another bar afterwards. Redundant, but fun.

The bar that we eventually got to was a spot we have been before. Nevertheless, it was bomb. We shared a cigar, and grabbed more drinks. As we were walking in and out from the patio area, we see some high school friends from back in the day. One particular girl was there, and man, she is an attractive lady. We only spoke to her and the other friends for a few minutes and then left to the patio again. My buddy and I are both socially terrible in groups of people. Yet, we couldn’t forget about that cute girl. Him and I were on the same page:

Him: You know, she was looking at me the whole time.

Me: No, I was talking to her. We connected.

Him:  Dibs



Me: Well, I think we need to just have a threesome. Then it’ll be okay for everyone involved.


Cat, I hate you.

I am 5ft 7, hispanic, amazingly handsome, flabby body, cat hater.

There’s an arrogance that has to be admired.

Really, if the cat (pictured above) was a human, he would be the perfect villain to play in a Spy thriller movie. God, I hope this kill this character.

I hate cats so much I actually made a list of all cats that exist and categorized them into 5 different types:

  1. Arrogant – typical housecat
  2. Shy – Hates people
  3. Friendly – befriending you to kill you
  4. Murderer – brings you other dead animals so you witness their killing power, therefore making you feel inferior
  5. Dumb – dumb

Ironically, cats get along with me. They purr, cuddle up with me, meow when I’m around etc. I don’t get phased one bit. They’re just waiting for me to succumb to their disgusting charm. It won’t work. I love dogs. Back up, pussy.


My Mom’s Work Evaluation

I’m proud of my mother, and I never tell her. She recently got a job at a new company where she started off super stressed and uncomfortable, so the adjustability was difficult. There’s also a language and technology barrier that has always been an issue. She relies on me to check her work email and read her off anything that might be important.

Yet, my mom is the hardest worker I know.

Right now, she does janitorial cleaning, and always has with every company she has ever been with. However, she puts pride in her work, a real hard-working woman who knows what it’s like to put in 100% of effort into her job.

A couple of days ago, my mom told me she got evaluated at her job. She has only been there six months, so the anxiety/worryness was present with my mom. There was a huge learning curve my mom had to overcome, and new people she had to impress.

I checked her email and her review was flawless. I’ll spare you the details, but it was the best thing I could have read. “Hard-working” and “Team player” were among the words chosen to describe my mom. It brought a tear to my eye with how much she wants to do a good job and backs it up! And all she does is clean and scrub hospital rooms.

I am bursting with pride.

Lately, I have been having a crisis with my job and how overwhelming it is to learn something completely different, with new programs, new people, new policies, and the ins and outs of a new job. For now, it’s one of the hardest jobs I have ever had, and it’s so easy to be in a position to just get up and quit.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, my mother smiles with other coworkers, engages in small talk, and does this everyday! How the heck is she doing this so well? Her upbringing wasn’t the best, with poverty being something she was acquainted with and lack of education following right behind her. I had the opposite experience. I was always surrounded by a good home, food on the table, and a good education. And I still find the audacity to complain about how my job isn’t very likeable. Fuck that. I should be putting in 110% in my job everyday and be thankful that I’m even alive.

I love my mom. She takes care of me. I’m proud of her and I know she’s proud of me. Yes, you sometimes drive me crazy, and we don’t have the best relationship. But, I’ll always love you and I think you have done a great job as my mother.


I think I’ll Do It

For months now, maybe over a year, my buddy (the hippy) has been pushing me to do stand-up comedy. I have played with the idea myself. He is such a supportive, positive guy for these types of things. He is always mentioning how funny I am, and I’m always telling him about funny jokes I’ve heard comics say.

Shit’s hard, yo.

As you may know, I like going to coffee shops and hanging out. A lot of these places hold open mic nights for amateur musicians, poets, singers, etc. Once in awhile a comic goes up, says jokes, and usually bombs.I always think, “Man, I could do better than this guy.” I’m sure every comic, ever, has said that when trying stand up for the first time. So I don’t TRULY believe what I’m saying.

We have a comedy club here, where I live. Some big acts do show up every now and again. People like Bill Maher, Kevin Hart, David Spade, etc. So we are exposed to real comedy from time to time. I’ve gone for open mic nights, and my god, sometimes the acts are god awful, and some others are hilarious. I’ve actually stopped going to those because some of them are so cringey. Yet, the inspiration works for me because I think I can do it. It’s not a career move or anything, it’s a challenge to myself and an item on my bucket list. Who knows. Maybe I’ll love it, and get discovered, star in a movie, and make millions. Ha!

Louis C.K. If you read this, give me some pointers.

I’m a World Chess Champion

I went to a local coffee shop to play chess. I came out undefeated. Here’s how Steph found out:

Me: “Guess what? I am undefeated at chess at the coffee shop!”

Her: “No way! That’s awesome! Was it hard?”

Me: “Kind of, I mean it was just one guy I beat.”

Her: “You only played one guy? Weren’t there more players?”

Me: “Oh, yeah tons. I was overhearing how some guys were in the chess club in their colleges.”

Her: “Why didn’t you want to play the others?”

Me: “Because I would have lost. I can say I’m undefeated right now.”

Her: “Well, that’s stupid.”

Me: “Undefeated chess players are not stupid.”

Her: “You played one guy!”

Me: “And I won. I’m undefeated.”


When the leaves fall

Just an interesting thought?

You know that time of year when the leaves begin to fall? The wind picks up every now and then, blows slightly on the dying leaves of the trees and creates piles of leaves randomly across the park or street. You think trees hate that part of the year?

Every time the wind blows, every tree becomes slightly more naked, exposing themselves to other, younger trees. Those younger trees are also exposing themselves to everyone else. Trees must hate those times of the year. naked-tree


When do we reach happiness?

Okay, again, we are at that place with the weird wifi connection. I hope some of this gets saved again.

Right, so I’m wondering when I’ll know I’m at the prime moment in my life that I have everything I need and accomplished what I’ve desired to be in a moment of pure bliss.

You know that one scene in Harry Potter? The one where Harry stares at himself in this magical mirror and his reflection pulls out the sorcerer’s stone from his pocket, because that’s what he desires the most?

What could I pull out of my own pocket that I would desire the most? The winning numbers to the lottery? Yes. That’s it. I want to be rich.

Nah, sometimes I love to pretend I’m a lazy millionaire and do nothing the whole day. Traveling isn’t really my favorite thing to do, shopping doesn’t fulfill me, and neither does living in a materialistic fashion. There’s a quote that I heard that kind of describes a sad millionaire. I’ll paraphrase, “I’m not happy, but I rather be sad and own a yacht”. Really, I couldn’t care less for a boat. I don’t care for cool cars. I don’t even know what I would do with all that money. I just picture my life really boring. A boring millionaire.

At the root of my existence, I want to get to know people and maybe watch them grow as humans. Hell, not even that, maybe I just want to get to know really cool people. Interesting, unique, funny, quirky, serious, intelligent, witty, sad, etc. I don’t know. Maybe there’s something out there like that that I can do. If that dream doesn’t work out then maybe I’ll direct a huge blockbuster movie. That’ll be my backup plan. An A-list director. Easy.

Even then, if I was a hollywood director, would I know that I am happy or would I just know it? Right now, I think I’ll reach happiness when I stop asking existential questions. I’m really sick of this crap.