First World Problems

Just got off work from an easy day, sitting in an office chair, looking at a computer screen. Now, I am at my favorite coffee shop and have shitty internet that is slightly frustrating because I’m wondering if anything that I’m typing has been recorded.

That, my friends (jk, I have none), is first world problems. My biggest disappointment of the day is what most people on earth don’t have. And it’s nothing but a luxury.

I really like to bitch and complain about my current job. “It’s not for me” or the one that I have been using recently “I just don’t really like my job”. Dude, what do I expect? Yes, wouldn’t that be awesome? To have a well paying job where you are happy and do what you love. Wow. At age 23, it’s not very likely that I will get to do exactly that with a fairly inexperienced resumé.

Really, I should just be thankful that I’m even able to have functioning legs, functional arms, and a mediocre brain.

Yes, I’m not exactly the most satisfied young adult in my current job. Yet, I have more now than most of the world. There are thousands, maybe millions, who would love to be in the position that I am in currently.

Still, let me play devil’s advocate here.

So what?

I should be happy now because the majority of the world is unhappy? Don’t we usually base our happiness/life satisfaction relative to other people? That is, if my social environment is richer than I am, should I just be happy being alive? Or would I want to reach a higher social status equal to my environment? Why would I compare myself to others that have it worse than me?

Sure, I understand that I’m looking at it a little more extreme than normal but whatever. I’ll see where I go from here.


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