Do Dreams Have Significance?

I feel like there is absolutely no meaning in your dreams. Maybe it’s possibly something you were thinking about throughout the day, or it was on your mind for some time. But, when you have a dream of “falling off of a building”, I really doubt that means you are going to receive money. How do those coincide?

But, I had a dream. It may be my brain trying to comprehend what I dreamt, but the dream was such an ironic series of events that had me laughing when I woke up. Here it goes:

So, I was walking in New York City and this gal was just wearing  a thong walking in front of me. Another gal, gorgeous by the way, we will call her Megan, starts walking next to the thong chick and tries flirting with her. The thong girl brushes her away.

I say something along the lines of striking out, Megan then comes up to me and says something along the lines of trying to take her home for the night. Again, this Megan girl is a foxy girl who had a badass attitude. I became intrigued. She starts flirting with and asks to hangout at night. My memory is hazy, but I vaguely remember her flashing me just to prove her fearlessness. Just when she asked, a group of her friends surrounded her and started talking to Megan and me and being chaotic. A few of them got close to me. Megan hands me a paper clip and at the end of the paper clip is a piece of paper with an address of where to meet. I happily take the piece of paper. Megan and her friends leave me in the streets of New York. My jaw-dropped and was in disbelief at my luck at how I met such an incredible woman.

While deep in reflection at the series of events, I begin again walking Manhattan. Moments after meeting Megan I reach for my wallet and it’s gone. I immediately knew what happened. Megan was flirting with me and keeping me busy while her friends worked me and snatched my wallet. My wallet is a slim clip that I recently purchased, and it’s relatively low profile so it may have been easier to take.

My body goes into panic mode and I do an olympic sprint to catch the culprits. As I run to catch them in a sea of thousands, I come across a street gutter and notice a few pieces of credit card-sized papers. Still running, I give up. There I was, in the middle of a crowded street, defeated and hopeless. Megan is a bitch.

I walk back towards my point of origin and notice again the card-sized papers. I take a closer look and realize that they were my credit cards and debit cards! It was all my information! My actual wallet was still there, deep in the gutter. All she took was just the cash.

I wake up.

I laugh at the irony and realize it was just a dream. Does it mean anything? Probably not. But, maybe there’s thoughts running in the back of my mind now saying I should be wary of girls throwing themselves at me. Do you know how many girls are throwing themselves at me? A big fat zero.

My buddy from Mexico

Another perspective change exactly when I needed it.

Months ago told me stories that shifted how I look at my life and my unhappiness with it. My buddy from work let me know how his situation was in Mexico and his job here in the United States is WAY better. He had a degree, but couldn’t get a job to save his life. He later met a girlfriend, had three kids, moved to the United States and eventually married her.

The dude is my age.

No complaints from that guy. Why would I complain? I have everything I need/want and still find ways to bitch to get deep inside my head about how shitty everything is. Fuck that.

I’m not appreciating the things around me, just taking them for granted and not realizing I’m in an awesome place in life. I’m still not where I want to be, but no reason to be all moody about it. I’m not a fan of cliche quotes, and motivational posters, but damn. Sometimes all you really need is a new perspective.

How to be fucking awesome

I guess this is why traveling is important. You realize what you have, what you don’t have, and maybe grow as a different, worldly person. I’m going to see my old man in a few months, so it’ll be a different perspective too. Seeing an old person, with a hardly functional body that still has his kids flock to him. It’ll make me happy to see my old man!