I… Ate… Meat…

I was a lazy millennial yesterday. My food was delivered straight to my door, just because I was too lazy. It was a black bean burger with mushrooms. After about 40 minutes it gets to my door and I eat it outside to enjoy some sun. It was very enjoyable after locking myself in the house the whole morning.

The burger was pretty non-memorable. About halfway in I realize I’m eating flesh, and not what I ordered. Looking back, it was my mistake for not double checking. You could probably safely assume someone would freak out if they are eating something they are not supposed to, especially if they’re allergic. You could say the same for me, but only if you were talking to me a few years ago.


I don’t really care anymore. No panic, distress, worry, or guilt was felt. That burger went down to my tummy with no qualms whatsoever. Admittedly, I would have felt extremely guilty years ago, but that foolishness has been eradicated. It was a mistake, but there’s no chance in hell I’m letting food go to waste, especially when it was my fault.

This was the only memorable thing that happened yesterday. No plans were made, and no one came looking for me. Honestly, it was extremely enjoyable, and didn’t feel the urge to contact anyone. I think it’s the first weekend where I was happy not doing anything. It was extremely refreshing. It might be a good indicator of where I’m at mentally just because there are no longer beliefs of me being a loser. Also, there’s this chick I’ve kind of been talking to, but it looks like it’s not going anywhere, and I didn’t feel a desperate need to try and get her attention. The old me would have blown up her phone just to get any feedback from her.

Being comfortable in my own space is refreshing and enlightening.

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