Guided Meditation

What the fuck are chakras? What is the feminine and masculine brain? Why am I breathing through only one side of my nose, and then switching sides? 


I’m a full believer of meditation, and I find it extremely rewarding. Although, it seems like there’s the spiritual, hippy side of meditation and then the way that I’m comfortable with; The mindful, practical one.

When you start speaking about aligning your chakras, you’ve lost me. I don’t know what you are talking about, and I’m too closed minded for me to give it a shit.

In my low times I discovered meditation and it was a game changer for me. Mindfulness was the temporary solution and it lit up my dark days. Like all my hobbies, I stopped doing and lost interest. However, I joined a yoga studio for a month and they offer guided meditation. Everybody was female except my and another fella.

We started off by answering a question from our guide; What kind of cheese are you?

What the fuck are you talking about? 

I’m exaggerating. It was kind of what I expected, but expect me not to attend anymore. This is sounding very negative but I was proud of myself for doing it, and I’ve been pretty fulfilled recently and I was able to meditate smoothly with no issue.

Boring post, move along

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