Hot Yoga, Bitch

Upward Dog, Downward Dog, Tree, Chair pose, etc. 

It’s kicking my ass. Every. Single. Time. 

This new activity was presented to me years ago by now roommate. After an hour of hell, I still felt exhausted hours after it was over. The misery stayed with me and never succumbed to the mindfulness and discomfort that hot yoga came with. My insecurity was pretty high back then as well. I was too busy thinking about how weird I was looking, and how out of shape I looked.

women s white top and orange floral skirt

I don’t look any different now, but I’m WAY more comfortable in my own skin. No negative thoughts penetrate, nor time is spent on how people perceive me. It’s nowhere near perfection, but who is? There’s toxicity out there trying to seep into my consciousness and I’m willing to fight it.

Hot yoga is something I never thought I would enjoy. However, sweating, embracing the discomfort and giving yourself a challenge is awesome. It’s not for everybody and that’s okay. Of course, I didn’t start with this new challenge because hot yoga was simply interesting. It started because I wanted to lean out and lose fat. I read somewhere that you burn almost 1000 calories per 60 minutes, so I should be losing some weight.

It helps that your roommate is a yoga instructor, and him constantly telling you how awesome it is that made want to join. I mean, it was only time. He is showing me the ropes on how to fully embrace it as well; Including taking a shower right after and switching to cold water the last few seconds.

We will see where this new hobby takes me. Coincidentally, a lady recognized me from my dance class. It’s just funny how things come in full circle.

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