Do I miss home?

No, not really. I don’t really know what “missing home” really means. I guess the part that I “miss” is the comfortability I had in Utah. I had a stable job (wasn’t happy), was blowing off steam with dance class, and had a nice little group of friends that I would hang out with constantly.

This is a free photo that I just googled “missing home” and it couldn’t be more cheesy. Sorry, about that. It’s kind of funny tho.

woman standing in front of a window

The overall point is the current situation is great despite the casualties that had to take place. Sure, I don’t have EVERYTHING that I had in Utah, but the fear of leaving a comfortable space has vanished.

I learned in Psychology class that the human mind has an amazing capability to adapt and overcome extreme tragedies. People close to me that have horrible past have said they wouldn’t change anything about the past. Yet, I was worried about not having a job, proper nutrition, or having to live with people. I’m happy now. Sure, I don’t have dance class, but now that means I have to go out and meet latinos here. I have only really had a conversation with one other Latino and it was nice. I digress.

Now, I think I have found a routine that I happen to love and can see myself living for a long time. However, financially that will come to end. I wake up, go to the gym, look for a coffee shop, and write another entry. This is day 2 of finding this routine. Honestly, it’s the exact same thing as what I had in Utah. There’s nothing different other that I try to find a different coffee spot here in Brisbane. It’s so big and vast that you’re bound to find another writing spot.

As for the job searching… It sucks. It brings memories and feelings of my last weeks in Utah when I was looking for a job as well. The rejections only created feelings of despair and worthlessness. I can’t let this feeling get to me. The only viable course of action is to keep applying and not let this feeling ruin my time here in Australia. I’m sipping a delicious cappuccino in the West End part of town, listening to Bachata, and writing in a blog that no one sees. It honestly doesn’t get any better. img_20191128_103427Currently at Blackstar Coffee. I ordered a cappuccino. Delicious, although it is outdoor seating so if it’s too hot you probably won’t catch me here. 

Oh, Brisbane.

So, I really have let this whole blog thing go to waste. Especially, now that I’m living in Australia (never thought I’d say that), I would assume that I would have more of a craving to write more and more.

It’s actually kind of been difficult. My partner and I have been so focused on living situations and grocery shopping that I think it’s writing has taken a backseat. There’s been so much to write about that I’m at the point where that some memories are now lost.

The transition from the states to here was not easy. We had to sell a couch for my partner so it wouldn’t end in storage and that was such a joke. People are flakes. You get potential bites but then no one shows up or they just stop responding. Also, we had a small army of helpers to move out all our stuff to storage. It wasn’t hard, but it took about two or three full days of just moving and moving and moving. No, we don’t have a lot of stuff, it’s just that it piles up when you need to leave immediately.

Oh! We actually had a constable show up at our place to kick us out! That’s a story I rather not get into as it was kind of shocking. All for a misunderstanding.

The first night here we spent it on the couch of my partner’s friends. I mentally braced myself for situations like this. There was no way we were going to start life in Australia without a few uncomfortable nights sleeping with folks I just met. No dramas (as the popular saying goes in Australia). The couple were, and still are, a fantastic, hospitable couple that fed us and took us around.

After two nights we stayed there we headed off to another friends house to stay. This place was going to be way more comfortable as they didn’t have a baby, and they had a very big house. Our former house was only a one bedroom. The week we stayed there was absolutely fantastic. Our hosts were obviously my partner’s friends but they treated my like family as well. It’s very easy to talk and socialize once the people make you comfortable.

To not make it dramatic and not bring up emotions let’s just say the way things ended at that house were a little disheartening.

Next, we stayed at my partner’s former boss’s house. She used to be a nanny and now they were hosting us for a week. Everybody’s been so kind to say the least.

The week at this house was awesome. It was a family of six, and it was a blended family. The kids’ age ranged from 3-17, and it was a very delightful surprise to myself to think that I got along with them well. To not make it too wordy and sappy I’m leaving parts of me growing emotionally and the learning curve of being around kids. I went from never being around kids, living along (and previously with just my mom), to now living with 7 other people in the house and dealing with chores, kids, and game nights. Easy transition, am I right?

Of course, we didn’t want to overstay our welcome so it was off to our next living space. Because we couldn’t find anything we decided to stay in the major part of the city. The hustle and bustle of a busy metropolitan city. Yes, we stayed there for a few nights. It was gorgeous, but there wasn’t much to do or experience that you wouldn’t normally find in another big city. I’m ashamed to say the most memorable part of the whole experience was a pregnancy scare! HA!

This is the CBD area of Brisbane and where we stayed three nights. It’s not bad at all. My search for coffee and a great place to study has now ended. The place where I’m writing this is called Bean Cafe. Best spot I’ve been too that is cozy, comfortable, and great writing area. photo of buildings near river

Now, my girlfriend works as a nanny and she got this job because the folks that she works for are kindly housing us as well. It’s hard for that be a reality with our current situation. I’m currently unemployed but have been actively looking for something that can give me even a little bit of monies, but that’s okay. I’m writing comfortably, drinking coffee, and exploring the city.