Protecting the Past

I have been dealing with the mortality of my younger past for about a month now. This sounds WAY more dramatic than it is, but in essence, I’m really just forgetting my past and the way I was. It’s more sad than melancholy.

The positive news in all of this is that it’s been a source of inspiration and motivation to find new experiences and document them as well. I fear to say that a lot of my younger 20’s have been forgotten. The irony is that I felt I was never going to change from the person that I was.

I’ve changed for the better.

That being said, I think I’m going to be more willing to document my friends, interactions, and small meaningless interactions. Can you imagine a montage of my life made up of small clips? Only two things would be the outcome; The first is that it would really impress people. The second is that it would really bore people. The most important outcome is that I would be happy, thrilled, maybe even shed a tear from looking at the playback.

In a way, you could say that I’m dealing with a symptom of not living in the moment. Although, I don’t live in my head as I used to, I think I’m still not fully immersing myself in my surroundings.

We’ll see how this goes.

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