Overcoming Obstacles

Whoa! Is this about to be my first relationship post?

I mean, maybe? I can’t remember any of my previous posts.

A few days ago my girlfriend and I felt lethargic, snarky, short, and irritable. Working from home doesn’t help the situation when the office you’re working from is a constant 85 degrees. Toasty. This, and please don’t judge me when I say this, the constant visual presence of another human is sometimes irritating. Let’s just say we were definitely in a funk.

After we were both off, we decided to go to the grocery store and shop for a few items. The mood was improving, but we were making progress. We were acknowledging it.

Words were said, thoughts and ideas were being discussed, explored more so and thought out loud. The chemistry improved, the bitterness dwindled and more natural smiles and laughs were exchanged.

The rest of the day was a blur, but that same night we went out for a small stroll.

Our smiles were more prevalent, the smiles became natural, and a laughs were shared. We are one again.

I don’t quite know how to end this post.

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