Yes, another update?

I just recently thought of going back to school. Scratch that. I just recently thought of doing a UX design BootCamp. Sounds less daunting, doesn’t it?

Regardless, the overall goal is to purchase a home, have a patio, have a cool personal office where I get to double it as a stoner room, and then, if I get really lucky, also have a treehouse with a similar vibe.

If I truly desire this for myself then I must have some money. Working in HR is not really cutting it anymore, especially since we don’t live in the ’90s anymore.

More importantly, I realized what my motivation has been. Sure, having your own place is a motivator in itself, but at least for me, it’s having a place to share with my partner. Wow, look at me, I’m calling my girlfriend a partner.

Having a goal, or at least realizing having a realistic idea of what your life is going to look like, brings a lot of motivation and internal hunger to ensure it happens. I am not fully aware of the changes that are occurring. It may be age and just having another level of maturity that I didn’t have before. I’m reading books now too! I’m borderline shocked about that, honestly.

There’s no point in this post. I literally just started typing for no reason. However, I’ll look back at November 27, 2021, and think, “Wow, I really was onto something here.”