Wow, I’m really onto something here

Today is the 25th of January. If you didn’t know, I run a chess meetup on Sundays at a local coffee shop. It sounds more impressive than it is. I just show up with a chessboard and play whoever wants to play. It’s casual as conversations are usually more interesting. One of the members of the club invited me to a Monday chess group as well at a local bar. Yesterday was my first time attending.

Going out in a new group is rarer nowadays, especially as I get older, finding a group of new people to hang out with is not as common as it used to be, specifically if you were trying to find yourself too. That said, I hit it off with some cool people and had some interesting conversations as well!

I’m writing about something so mundane because it’s a victory for me. I used to always tell myself that I was the way I was and I would never fit in anywhere. Literally, no one else told me this. I kept repeating this to myself over and over for years.

I’m 28. Still learning.

In other news, I’m still working on coding BootCamp and this venture will start in a few weeks. Will report back periodically to write down how stressed I feel.