Another Boost of Creativity

Okay, another one, off the cuff, no planning or editing. It’s what I do.

Yesterday before going to bed, I had another boost of energy to start writing again. It was less fueled by a creative outlet, and more so due to the result of a bad day.

I was feeling grumpy, tired, and irritable the entire day. I would like to think it was the result of a bad night’s sleep and not because my life sucks. Which it doesn’t.

After pondering and wondering why I was feeling sad and bummed out, I realized that I have been forgetting a lot of the good days and memories I’m creating on a daily basis. I’m more established in my life, and it’s only going to get better, but yet, somehow I’m focusing on the negative.

So, here I am, writing about a newly found inspiration to write often so that I can look back at my journal and realize my life is fucking awesome.

The first and only update for today, I am celebrating my birthday. Friends are coming over and it’s going to be fun.

Maybe I’ll write tomorrow about how it goes, or maybe I won’t. I don’t know. I’m not that committed jaja