Best Day Ever?


My buddy took me on his private plane to a nearby city for lunch

That same night I went to a sex club with my partner and we had a wild time. Yes, you read that correctly. A sex club.

I woke up Saturday morning with a yearn to go for a walk. This is not unusual as I love a good morning stroll. There was a joint that was still unfinished and happily took a few puffs before beginning my low impact cardio.

After walking a few minutes I finally managed to find a bench at the mall where I began mindlessly viewing YouTube and playing chess. I already knew what my plans were going to be that evening so in hindsight, the whole morning was a feeling of nervousness and tension. It felt almost like waiting in line for a roller coaster. You know it’s going to be fun but almost can’t stand the wait for it.

Soon after I sat down I get a text from a friend asking me if I want to go fly. As a side note, my buddy is a newly licensed pilot and has already taken friends that I know for a little ride in the sky.

My immediate reaction to reading the text was to say no. It was a pure reactionary thought because I had fear. Yes, exciting and thrilling and I ultimately said yes, but there was some fearful hesitation. Everyone can understand that.

Fast forward to the hangar where all the planes are parked. There were private jets and planes everywhere. I felt like I was in a music video and my excitement was already peaking.

I take a seat in the passenger side of the cockpit and we get the confirmation from ground control to depart and we set off. We increase the speed and the wheels begin to lift off the ground. It was surreal to be in this moment because I could not believe how crazy of an opportunity this was for me. This was only one of the two instances where I had this surreal feeling. The second instance was at the sex club only a few hours after we landed.

However, as we were flying my buddy wanted to grab some lunch. We land in a nearby city, rented a car, and drive to a Mexican restaurant where we chowed down on some enchiladas. We drove back to the small airport, flew in his private plane, and then landed again in our original city.

I couldn’t stop grinning ear to ear after that. It was an absolutely unforgettable moment.

The clock turned 8pm and we decided to start getting ready. My partner and I did not really have any expectations. Also, it wasn’t REALLY a sex club, but more of a space that was meant for lewd acts. To be specific, you don’t actually have to have sex or do any of those things. There was a dance floor and spaces to hang out, and if you wanted to do some “other” things, then there were designated rooms for those acts to occur. If it wasn’t obvious, I am foreshadowing.

The folks that took us were experienced and in that lifestlyle for some time. My partner and I are incredibly inexperienced but tried to keep an open mind, plus, we wanted to experience this lifestyle and have dabbled in it a few times, sparingly and safely.

We arrive at this corporate building where the upstairs was set up for this event. As soon as we walk in we understand what the vibe is. Respectful, anonymous -ish , and fun.

My partner and I had tons of fun, and saw some incredible moments of sexuality and intimacy, real life porn scenarios. My partner and I got to experience a few ladies that went with us. Yes, we spent most of the time in the “play” rooms.

To keep it brief, my partner and I ended the night on a high note. We realized that no experience can replace what my partner and I have, and most importantly, we have learned the differences between having an experience with someone you barely know to an experience with a person that you love. The differences are HUGE and I am so grateful to have my partner… Sarah, if you are reading this. I love you very much 🙂