Maturing… Maybe?

So in recent weeks, the biggest change to my life is that I am an avid reader now. I’m ready about 4-5 books a month and it’s been an absolute game changer for my life.

I don’t think I’m saying this as a click-bait. I genuinely do think that the few books that I’ve begun reading are ones that have severely impacted my life in many beneficial ways. Although I rather not say the titles of the books they loosely fall under topics of social psychology and interpersonal relationships.

I’m realizing also as I write this that the previous post I made was about “the best day ever”, and to put it succinctly, that may have been one of the more influential days of my life and the life that I share with my partner.

It definitively started a new chapter in our sex lives, and fast tracked us to an introduction into bending the “rules” of traditional monogamy. Since that infamous night, we have explored new experiences and I have also had some experiences without my partner. I’m trying to be as vague as possible as to not hyper focus on the details of the experiences but to highlight some of the changes that have made as a relationship.

As expected too, this new chapter doesn’t come with its own set of challenges. Of course, when challenging anything as long standing as traditional monogamy the ultimate peacemaker is honest, open communication, which is a foundational pillar in my relationship. I’m lucky and grateful for that.

As an example of some of the difficult conversations that have arisen from such new experiences and new modalities of dating, we’ve discovered that my partner may have some anxious attachment tendencies. The process of getting to that realization was at times painful and frustrating but the mere acknowledgment of some the thought processes that go with anxious attachment tendencies was enough for me to fully understand and feel what my partner is going through.

It hit me like a ton of bricks. I immediately understood, or at least for a fraction of a second, felt what my partner goes through when speaking to me of insecurities and anxieties she experiences.

Ironically, it’s made our relationship stronger.