A Stoner in My Mid-20’s

Boom, didn’t expect that mic drop, huh?

It’s not even a big deal. A large majority of my friends partake in the devil’s lettuce, but I have been regularly using weed around the age of 26.

It was the perfect age for me to start using it too. I feel complete, and an overall incredibly happy young person. I love, I feel loved, and I want to give love too. I don’t want to have this post come off as a hippy finding himself, but unfortunately that’s just life.

I’ve been dealing with the mortality of my younger past for a few months now. The memories that were once fresh, and always at my disposal, are being replaced with new experiences and new beginnings, and honestly learning how to be a healthy minded person. I’m relishing in learning my first steps again.

There is some sadness, though, as the memories that I had of walking with Stephany in a park for hours, or simply going on long nightly walks in my lonely days, although sad and not happy, I strangely miss them.

The thought of living in my old house for over 20 years where I would see my mom daily, conversing about meaningless moments, bringing a new girlfriend to the house, or clumsily and drunkenly sneaking in back from the bar at forbidden times.

The memory of walking from school on cool Autumn days where I remember fondly the cool breeze touching my face.

I’m excited about where my new life is going, and eager for my new experiences with Sarah.

I can’t forget where I’ve been.