I’m going to have to rename this blog pretty soon

I’m 27 now, turning 28 in a few months.

My perspective is changing, time is moving faster, and new experiences are rarer to find. You guessed it, folks. I’m getting old.

There’s no melancholy here. I’m diving head first and absolutely relishing this fact. It may be surprising, but it’s also very logical.

Growing up in the teenage years and early twenties, external pressures forced me to have friends that weren’t really friends, be in situations that I hated, and self-esteem was not surprisingly low. That’s not even a self-diagnosed exaggeration. That’s literally what my therapist at that time told me.

Thanks to my brain getting older, along with an increased positive attitude, and different experiences, I’m WAY happier. I’m not saying this like an influencer either, I’m really just telling some hard-hitting facts. It’s just a different world, and I’m a different person altogether.

It’s a simple life, surrounded by loved ones, new friends, and awesome conversations.

Is this supposed to be a bummer of a post? Nah, not even a little bit. I’m happy. That’s all that matters.

“You have low self-esteem. See you next week”