I’m going to have to rename this blog pretty soon

I’m 27 now, turning 28 in a few months.

My perspective is changing, time is moving faster, and new experiences are rarer to find. You guessed it, folks. I’m getting old.

There’s no melancholy here. I’m diving head first and absolutely relishing this fact. It may be surprising, but it’s also very logical.

Growing up in the teenage years and early twenties, external pressures forced me to have friends that weren’t really friends, be in situations that I hated, and self-esteem was not surprisingly low. That’s not even a self-diagnosed exaggeration. That’s literally what my therapist at that time told me.

Thanks to my brain getting older, along with an increased positive attitude, and different experiences, I’m WAY happier. I’m not saying this like an influencer either, I’m really just telling some hard-hitting facts. It’s just a different world, and I’m a different person altogether.

It’s a simple life, surrounded by loved ones, new friends, and awesome conversations.

Is this supposed to be a bummer of a post? Nah, not even a little bit. I’m happy. That’s all that matters.

“You have low self-esteem. See you next week”


Batman v Superman

batman standing

(Unknown Source)

Na Na Na Na Na Batman!… and superman…

I like movies. I love good movies and I hate bad movies. However, I have noticed that I rate a movie more highly if I was interested in the beginning. For example, I saw Adaptation the other day, written by Charlie Kaufman, and it was a good movie. It didn’t blow me away but I understand why it is considered one of his best movies. Plus, the acting from Nic Cage is pretty spot on. But, I thought it was just a good movie. Why? Because I wasn’t really interested on the concept. I wasn’t drawn to it based on the trailer. Really the only reason I saw it was because I saw a previous film Kaufman wrote, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. That, to me, was a masterpiece of a film. And who doesn’t love Jim Carrey? So yeah, unfortunately I got to be interested in a film in order for me to enjoy it. I’ve learned this the hard way, of course. I have rented movies I have never just because I didn’t have a desire to watch something I wasn’t interested in.

nic cage

BATMAN v SUPERMAN is a completely different story. I am interested. Invested. Attached. Clingy, even. I have a few dozen comics and graphic novels of Batman. I love that fictional character and always will be. I was hooked on the teaser trailers. However, a travesty happened. I saw that one trailer, you know which one, the one that revealed the whole plot of the movie. BUT, I only saw it once, but it was enough to destroy my excitement level by a few notches. And then it got worse. The opening critic reviews beat the blockbuster down to a pulp. A few memes came out of it (Sad Ben Affleck).

I took it personally. I didn’t even see it opening weekend. I waited until Tuesday because I was scared of what I was going to see. Although, I quite enjoyed Tuesday because I got a good workout, went to an empty theatre (which I love), and only paid four bucks!



The first half fantastic. I was thinking to myself it was a solid ten the whole way through. The Batman inception and intro was done pretty well. The praise that no one is giving the movie was that the origin story was told in about ten or so minutes. Now Batman can have a solo movie without the burden of retelling the same story everyone knows. It was precise, the audience knows what is going on. We get it. This is good. Clark comes into the picture and was less interesting than his counterpart. I would have loved to see more of the philosophy behind “Do we need Superman?” Henry Cavill does a good job but his character needs some more opening up and character exploration. I thought Man of Steel was a good flick but you need to ask yourself, “Do I care about Clark or Superman at the end of this movie?”

The political side of the movie was riveting. “Do we need a Superman?”. Is God all good? Superman doesn’t know what to do. Batman hates an alien from outer space that could wipe out the planet. Should we trust him? Great questions that went semi-explored. This topic in itself could have made a dramatic film, starring Judge Judy.

Snyder’s cinematography was fantastic. This is just my opinion, but I wish the look was slightly different from Watchmen or 300. The harsh contrast with slow-motion could have been brought back a bit. Batman’s fight scene in the movie was phenomenal. I’ve only seen him kick ass like that in video games or comics.


I’ve always hated how they think Jesse Eisenberg only plays one character. Really, it’s so ignorant to think how one actor only has one side to him. The dude is awesome in what he is given. Whether or not you believe him as that actor, that’s a different story.

Anyways, in comes Lex Luthor. He is introduced as Mark Zuckerberg mixed with punk-rock. Dude comes off as a cool, neurotic billionaire. He was NOT the Luthor I know from Justice League animated series where Lex is a smart, methodical, genius man who then proceeds to sometimes outsmart Superman. HOWEVER, remember, this is the inception of Lex Luthor. He will grow in the next MoS sequel. He will be great.


This is a hot mess. It’s definitely messy and sweaty for sure. It feels like clips of the movie were just thrown into the movie with no coherence or attachment from the previous scene to the next. Intercut scenes of Batman, Superman, and Lex. I kept asking myself “What is going on?” Let’s not forget a few dream sequences that threw me off guard. Interesting for sure, but made no sense in terms of editing. I only knew dream sequences took place because Bruce would wake up hyperventilating and sweaty.

Luthor’s sequences didn’t add up either. It was only twenty minutes later that this madness started to make sense. I had no context for some of his lines.

Also, it was such an extremely convoluted subplot as to why Superman was to fight Batman. I understood there was tension, but at what point did Lex get involved? Also, why did Lex hate Superman so much?

Now Batman basically had a breakdown at the word “Martha”. It is explained in the movie. But Batman doesn’t trust Superman. An alien that could wipe out the world in a few minutes stops the man that doesn’t trust him with this one, lonely word. Is this reasonable? A conversation could have stopped the fight.


If you haven’t watched the movie, set your standards lower. I give it a 7. I am somewhat disappointed in the film, but that doesn’t mean I’m excited for the future and the standalone Batman films. Just stop fucking it up.

“It’s okay. I’m Batman”


Creative Outlet

Well, I’m 22 now turning 23 in September. I just barely looked back at my first and only post here on WordPress and I must say that my writing skills have not improved at all. Looking back, it seemed like I was bragging when I was describing myself as atheist, vegetarian, and other irrelevant details. No one cares. You didn’t come to find out about boring details of my life,… or did you?

Anyways, I’m working at a job where I cannot express my creativity. That sounds pretentious but I wanted to do something that will keep me entertained, and if an audience gathers around my terrible writing, so be it. So I figured I could use this little free website to try and expose Salt Lake City a little bit more and maybe some photography. I don’t know what I’m doing, but please indulge. If not, I don’t care. This is really for me trying to find excitement and keep me sane until I find a job I love, or something cheesy like that. Plus, there’s porn on the internet, why would you look at blogs?


Where I am now:

I am going to Weber State University (Whoo!) and am majoring in Psychology and minoring in Political Science. If you are anything like my dad or mom then you must be disappointed in my career choice. I don’t blame you. I am also disappointed in my life decisions.

Just last week, I finished my first internship. I was an intern for the legislative session which lasts 45 days here in Utah. That doesn’t sound like much, but for someone that has had little to no experience in an office setting, wears a suit everyday, and even being bullied by micromanagers, then yes, it was long. “But did you have fun, Benihana93?” Yes, it was fun and I don’t regret doing it. It was extremely rewarding and it was a complete change of pace to what I’m used to. That is, working in the electronics department in a Supermarket store. I don’t know if this blog will ever be discovered by people I know. If that happens, then I’m not sure if posting personal details about myself is the best thing to do. Seriously, if you haven’t noticed by now, I have no idea what I am doing with this blog thingy. If anyone can offer advice (free) I would damn well appreciate it. I really have no idea what the hell I am doing. Anyways, about this supermarket store, It’s fine. It pays the bills, pays my car, phone, food, etc.. Hell, I could stay there long enough and just milk the pay raises and retire there. No degree required either! Although, that doesn’t make me happy. Y24yRVj


By all means, don’t think I am loaded with money, because I am not. I have plenty of free time and this company works well with my school schedule, but it isn’t making me happy. Technically, I have everything that any other student would want right now. Oh, except friends, I don’t have many friends right now, but that’s beside the point ha! So maybe a little writing will do me good and I can say what’s on my mind. This will keep me busy! … until my existentialism crisis sets in…

Where I am headed now (Hopefully)

“Life is too short to be an Asshole” – Louis CK

Anyways, I hope to have a solid job that I love doing. Simple but effective. I can’t go around putting limits on opportunities. What kind of sick person does that?

“Hey, Benihana93. You get to direct a movie and be in charge of movie stuff. Oh, but this amazing opportunity does come with one requirement.”


“You might not get paid until the movie is over.”

-“Oh, yeah I’m not interested.”

The point of this shitty joke is that I may need to compromise on a few things to get where I want to be. I really had no idea on what witty thing to say as the punchline. By the way, I am an aspiring comic. Joking!

I don’t know what I’ll be doing in the future, but at least I have already decided on the person I want to become. Right now, I have a good sense of humor. Problem is that I tease others a little too harshly at times. Yes, I know what you are thinking. “But that’s the best type of humor, Benihana93!” And I know that. However, I have lost friends because of this and am perceived as an asshole sometimes. I used to have such a pride in being the way I am. I didn’t care if others perceived me as mean or an asshole if that meant I got a few laughs out of my banter. But that’s such a terrible way to live. My goodness! I don’t know if it is my age or becoming more concerned for the close friends I have. I need to tone down my humor if that makes others feel better around me. And that’s ok. I can still be funny and have people enjoy my company as well.

Well, I guess that’s my second post. I don’t know how to end these things. It’s like saying bye to people you still need in your life. Maybe ending in a cheesy quote or something like that.

“Don’t Worry, Be Happy”